Owl and Raccoon – River

Another prompt courtesy of Madison Woods. As always, the image this is based on and tons of other great writing through the link.

Owl and Raccoon were down on the riverbank skipping stones. Owl’s father had roused them from bed moments before, ordering them down here to look for worms and crickets.

They prodded the soft muck of the shore, lifted a few fallen logs and then gave up.

“He never catches anything anyway,” Owl said, slinging a stone. “Five.”

Raccoon tossed his rock.

“Crap, just three,” he said. “Why don’t you ever go with him?”

Owl shrugged and side-armed another. It came out crooked, splashed and sunk. They stopped throwing stones, watched the ripples grow out and felt something neither could name.

21 thoughts on “Owl and Raccoon – River

  1. That was a very tricky little story to tell. We went from the familiar quirkyness of Owl and racoon, the amusing picture of them skipping stones by the river and pretending to search for bait. Then the juxtaposition of the father figure – the central idea being that all is not joyeous in the familial world.
    good job,

  2. I really liked this, though I can’t explain why – other than it being well-written, I mean – and as Jan said, there are memories conjured up of my own childhood, skimming stones with my brother and grandad.

    Mine is this-a-way:

    #FridayFictioneers: CatFishing

  3. This story has an almost cosy feel and conveys superbly the friendship bond between Owl and Raccoon. It feels really familiar, and I like that. I also thought the way you handle the hint of the father/son issues is very effective. The undefined ‘something’ they feel at the end? I think we’ve all been there but just don’t quite have the words. Very nice :-)

    My story is here:

    The Lasting Kind

  4. I’m a fairly new member of FF and am curious about Owl and Raccoon. Not familiar with the back story. Are they cartoon characters, animals, young boys? Is this part of a tale/fable? Are they friends/siblings? I enjoy this story of them skimming stones and assume they are young boys…and like other readers, curious about the ‘feeling’ that comes over them. Here’s mine:

  5. Very nice take on the prompt. I liked it, and liked how subtle you were with your underlying story. Not sure if they’d struck a sad chord, or the noticing of the ripples spreading tapped them both into a larger aspect of life’s connectedness, but it works either way.

  6. A nice, comfortable, easy going flow to this story. I loved the characters and especially the last line. Well done!

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